The Positive Effects of the Sun

It is recognized that sunburn and long-term UV-overexposure can cause premature aging of the skin and skin cancer. However, there is no proof that moderate tanning is harmful.

  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Lower blood cholesterol
  • Increased tolerance of stress
  • Increased resistance to infections

Light Exposure Affects Over 100 Bodily Functions

Light plays a crucial role in the regulation of over 100 bodily functions. The pineal gland, the body’s “third eye,” coordinates most of our life-sustaining functions based on the light information it receives. Located deep in the center of the brain, the pineal gland receives light energy exclusively through the eyes. Sunlight keeps the body’s systems in balance, everything from the immune system to fertility.

Light Exposure Increases Longevity

Sunlight provides us with the vital nutrients that have the power to increase our longevity. Sunlight enters the body through the eyes and skin, affecting virtually every cell in the body. It is not surprising that sunlight can be used as a natural remedy. Through the prevention of such diseases as colon cancer and the stimulation of white blood cells to fight other diseases, the invigorating sun can help us live longer, healthier lives.

Myth vs. Reality

There is no such thing as a safe tan.
Actually, you could say that it isn’t safe to totally avoid the sun. The benefits of regular sun exposure far outweigh the risks of overexposure, which easily can be minimized by merely avoiding sunburn. Research shows that regular, moderate sun exposure might actually decrease your risk of getting breast, colon, prostate and ovarian cancers as well as osteoporosis or even Alzheimer’s disease. If you’re a woman, you are 69 times more likely to die of breast cancer than skin cancer.
Indoor tanning is more harmful than tanning outdoors because the UV light from a sunbed is more intense.
Today, all sunbeds and tanning booths used in salons are regulated by the FDA as Class II Medical Devices. This means you are only exposed to a standardized amount of UV, with a mixture of both UVB and UVA rays, designed to minimize burning. When used according to the FDA’s exposure guidelines (posted on each tanning system), sunbeds and booths are designed to maximize tanning and minimize burning. Conversely, tanning outdoors is an unregulated, uncontrolled activity. There are many factors to consider when you tan outdoors: geography, time of day, weather conditions, the seasons, and the ozone layer. Remember the best way to safeguard your skin from sun damage is to wear appropriate levels of SPF sunscreens outdoors – even if you already have a tan.
In order to get a suntan, you have to burn first.
A sunburn does NOT ”turn into” a tan. Sunburn indicates UV-overexposure and actually damages the skin, leaving it inflamed (as indicated by the skin’s red coloring and sensitivity), dry, chapped and visibly unappealing. In fact, sunburn can lead to premature aging and potentially skin cancer. Always practice moderation when tanning by using the proper sunscreen when tanning outdoors and following guidelines for session times recommended for your skin type when tanning indoors.
People get sexually transmitted disease like AIDS from sunbeds.
The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have stated that this is physically impossible. The AIDS virus (as well as other serious viral diseases) does not live outside the body. This fear may come from the fact that many people are nude during a tanning session (in order to eliminate tan lines). However, even if there is profuse sweating, the AIDS virus, or other venereal diseases, cannot be passed to the next user. Additionally, tanning salons are required by law to disinfect the acrylic shield on the sunbed after each session.

Why We Promote Indoor Tanning As “Responsible Tanning”

The professional indoor tanning industry promotes responsible indoor tanning and sunburn prevention as “responsible”. We choose not to use the word “safe.” Here is why:

The word “safe” implies that one can recklessly abuse something without any fear of causing harm. And reckless abandon certainly is not the behavior the professional indoor tanning industry is advocating. In fact, we’re playing a key role in successfully preventing that kind of reckless abuse. By teaching a “responsible” approach to sunburn prevention which recognizes that people do perceive different benefits from being in the sun, we’re able to teach sunburn prevention in a practical way that respects both the potential benefits of sun exposure and the risks of overexposure.

For example, previous generations believed that sunburn was an inconvenient but necessary precursor to developing a tan. Today, we know better – and we’re teaching a new generation of tanners how to avoid sunburn at all costs. Again, our position:

Moderate tanning is the best way to maximize the potential benefits of sun exposure while minimizing the potential risks of either too much or too little exposure.

More than anything, a “Responsible Tan” is a comprehensive concept of sun safety, with an eye on living a practical life. Whether frolicking on the beaches in July or tanning in our salon in December, “Responsible Tanning” involves considering easy and reasonable preventive steps to care for your skin.

If you can develop a tan, indoor tanning is an intelligent way to minimize the risk of sunburn while maximizing the enjoyment and benefit of having a tan. We call this responsible tanning because tanners are taught by trained tanning facility personnel how individual Skin Types react to sunlight and how to avoid sunburn outdoors, as well as in our salons.

Today, tanning in a professional facility minimizes risk because the government regulates indoor tanning in the United States and Canada. In the U.S., exposure times for every tanning session are established by a schedule that is posted on every tanning system and takes into account the tanner’s Skin Type and the intensity of the equipment to deliver a dosage of ultraviolet rays designed to minimize the risk of sunburn. The schedule, as regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Health Canada, also considers how long an individual has been tanning, increasing exposure times gradually to minimize the possibility of burning.

This kind of control is impossible outdoors, where variables including seasonality, time of day, weather conditions, reflective surfaces such as water or sand, and altitude all make outdoor tanning a random act and sunburn prevention more difficult.

Tropi Tan staff is trained to help you tan moderately and minimize your risk of getting burned.

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